Why You Need to Make the Change to Eco-Friendly Packaging For Food


1)  It Won’t Batter Your Bottom Line


Let’s talk about money first of all. Yes, it’s usually frowned upon, but you need to know this stuff when it comes to working out which packaging options are the best. The received wisdom is that eco-friendly packaging is vastly more expensive than plastic takeaway boxes, for example. But this isn’t the case. Our prices are absolutely competitive with those suppliers of plastic products, allowing you to help the environment without damaging those profits that you work so hard for.


You can take a look for yourself at our selection of hot and cold food packaging right now to see all of our prices.


2)  You Are Doing the Right Thing

There is no doubt that we use too many resources and we send too much to landfill. We all need to do our part to use the materials we have at hand more effectively and that is exactly what buying eco-friendly packaging for food enables you to do.


Many packaging products are created using sustainably sourced kraft board, for example. Where the packaging comes from is important, but so is where it goes. You will find many products in our range that are recyclable, biodegradable or compostable, or sometimes all three. This means that they are not going to crowd up landfill and stick around for thousands of years like plastic. Instead, they will be reused in some way, whether to make new products or to enrich the soil that grows the produce we need.


We have a duty to cut the emissions used to create single-use plastics and to keep this world healthy for our children. Switching to sustainable packaging helps with that aim.


3)  It is What Your Customers Want to Hear

Futerra carried out a survey in the UK and US on green trends for consumers and found that 88% wanted brands to help them be more environmentally friendly in day to day life. Your customers are asking you to go green and they will vote with their wallets by choosing those companies who are making the effort over their competitors.


If you can show your customers that you can provide sustainable solutions when serving them their food and drink, they will be more likely to use your establishment in the future over a competitor who is still using landfill-cramming plastic trays.


4)  The Quality of the Products

Some people may have heard myths about eco-friendly packaging being of poor quality compared with plastic equivalents. This doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Take the example of our Kraft Deli Box, made using sustainably sourced kraft board. It is leak-proof and grease resistant with its effective interlocking lid that keeps in whatever you choose to serve in there.  Your customers can be confident that they won’t end up with salad all over their handbags when they walk back to the office after visiting your shop.


They are sturdy and versatile, as well as being stackable to save space. Make sure you check them out when you consider how to serve your food in the future in a safe and secure manner.


5)  Futureproof Your Business


Really, given the government’s carbon neutral targets, it is a surprise that they haven’t tackled the problem of disposable plastic food trays. The amount of litter and landfill they produce is significant enough to make banning them a quick win in terms of eco-friendly goals. Surely, a ban isn’t far away and that means that companies who are already on board with sustainably sourced food and drink packaging are ready for this new green future.


If you want to get ahead of the game, browse our range of environmentally friendly food packaging solutions.